Top 3 favorite books of 2022 (National Read a Book Day)

In honor of National Read a Book Day (which I literally just found out is today), here is a list of my top 3 favorite of this year (and in no particular order)! This has been my first year listening to audio books and as a new mama, audio books have been a game changer! Especially when I’m trying to get something done around the house and or have a car ride alone. I have come back to these books over and over again. Sometimes I’ll just listen to a chapter or sometimes I’ll listen to the whole thing on repeat!

1. Satisfied by Alyssa Joy Bethke

Man oh Man is this book amazing! Each chapter is like finding a hidden gem you didn’t know your heart needed. Alyssa touches on subjects like finding your people as an adult, fighting comparison and how to find joy in the mundane. Although I don’t have a physical copy of it, I have browsed through one before. I found myself getting lost even in just the pictures of the book. If you’re a visual person, you will love just the look and feel of this book. If you’re like me however and prefer the audio version in this season, you will enjoy her voice. Alyssa has one of the sweetest and most calming voices. You feel peaceful just listening to her and will leave feeling seen by your Heavenly Father.

2. Fighting Forward by Hannah Brencher

I may be a bit biased, but I love everything Hannah Brencher writes. If you haven’t read her first two books, “If you Find this Letter” and “Come Matter Here,” you should! What I love about this book is that every chapter feels like a pep talk to push you to say yes to hard things. To motivate you to stick to your goals until you see them through. It’s the type of book you go back to when you need a fire lit under you and to remember why you started something in the first place. You got this, just keep showing up, Hannah chants. She shows you how to ignore the lies we have grown to believe about ourselves and choosing to celebrate even the smallest of wins!

3. How (Not) to Save the World by Hosanna Wong

This book had me hooked from the very first line of the first chapter. It says, “The first time I witnessed a murder, I was nine years old.” Talk about a way to capture your reader's attention! Although that isn’t what the book is about. Hosanna talks about the urban ministry her dad started on the streets of San Francisco and the impact that had on her. She talks about how to meet people right where they are instead of imposing our Jesus agenda on them. It’s about being  present and invested in the lives of those around us. It’s about building relationships that last in hopes that one day they will build their own relationship with the one who lasts. This book will leave you inspired to really pay attention to the people God has placed around you and pour into them.

What are some of your favorites? I’d love to hear from you!


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