Little Miracles

You can go to therapy and still love Jesus. You can take medication while still believing God will heal you. That’s why God created doctors, therapists, counselors etc. because he knew we would need them! Imagine a world without them? That’s a scary thought. It just reminds me of that story, one that most of us have heard before of a man who was drowning. At separate times he had two boats and a helicopter show up to rescue him, but he insisted they leave because God would rescue him. When he got to heaven he asked God why he hadn’t saved him. Then He replied, “I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

I know God still performs miracles everyday. I believe that without a doubt. But I also know that He placed me here, in this season, surrounded by these people for a reason. He gave me my therapist, my mentors, my friends and family because He is using them to help me heal! Sometimes miracles come in unexpected packages. Sometimes they’re that text from a friend who just wants to see how your day is going. Sometimes it’s the meal a family member brings you when you can’t seem to get out of bed that day. Sometimes it’s the silly thing your child said that makes you burst out laughing. Sometimes it’s an I love you from a parent or a spouse. Sometimes it’s the medication you take everyday just to feel like yourself again. Or sometimes God will heal you completely. Keep the faith, keep praying, keep seeking. While you’re waiting for your miracle, little ones are happening all around you.


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To the one whose running on E,