The Slowness Chronicles: Blanket Forts & Dance Parties
I had major nostalgia the night I built a blanket fort for my almost 2-year-old daughter. The memories came flooding back from the times my friends and I gathered all the blankets we could. We’d put the chairs in a rectangle and draped each one. Then we’d run to find all the pillows we could and would spend most of the day there telling stories and playing games.
Man, the moments I wish I could relive. The beautiful thing is now I can share these with my little one. Although she didn’t fully understand what I was doing when I started building her first blanket fort in our living room, she grew in awe when she finally crawled inside. I transformed her little world into a magical cave with nothing but a flashlight, a few pillows, and a sketchbook for her to draw in. Let’s just say when bedtime came, she did not want to leave.
Part of me wishes I had spent the night with her there (something I hope to do in the future) but knew she wouldn’t get the best sleep. So instead my husband and I gave her something else to look forward to. For Christmas, one of her many gifts from her grandparents was a toothbrush that lights up and sings the infamous song, “Baby Shark.” On and off for the last few weeks now we’ve been shutting off the light in the bathroom, play the song as we brush her teeth and have a mini dance party. Her giggles fill the room every time.
I hope my daughter someday will bask in slow moments and savor them the way I’m trying to in this season. That she’ll learn to be still enjoying the presence of her Heavenly father and of the ones around her. That she’ll intentionally build blanket forts, have dance parties with her kids even if it’s the 72th time they play, “Baby Shark.”
I imagine Jesus does this with His own children. That he watches us with delight as we enjoy a walk in nature. He smiles as we belly over laughing after a hilarious comment made by one of our children. That He sighs with pure joy when He sees us enjoy the precious moments he’s given us.
Let me leave you these two quotes, one from a book I am currently reading and loving, as well as one from a famous missionary:
“Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” - Jim Elliot
“Your current circumstances do hold something beautiful—you just might need a new lens. When you and I do this, what we will see is the beauty of God all around us, no matter what life is throwing at us at the moment. Slow down, take in your life, find the beauty, and see God moving all around you—it’s worth it.” - Kate Merrick (Here, Now: Unearthing Peace and Presence in an Overconnected World)