A Dream Almost Forgotten: A Guatemala Missions Trip

6 years ago when my husband and I first started dating, God gave him a dream about us. I had just come off the mission field after being gone for 11 months and I met a man who had never been out of the country. But little did I know that one of his desires was to travel on missions somewhere, he just didn’t know where to start. A couple of months into us talking he told me he woke up from the coolest dream. He saw him and I serving alongside each other in a foreign country, being the hands and feet of Jesus. He didn’t know where and he didn’t know when, but I immediately got excited. Especially because I prayed for a husband who would feel a passion for missions like the one God has given me. 

Fast forward 6 years later, 5 years of marriage, an almost two-year-old and no plans of going on the mission field anytime soon. The thing is although I always have had the desire to travel outside of the country with my husband, God had made it pretty clear that my new home in Colorado was my mission field. So I served here in my local church and entered the ministry of motherhood. I did not see international missions in our future at all. It seemed in some ways like a far fetched and forgotten dream. Until one day my husband came home with the most exciting news….

“Babe, would you want to go to Guatemala?” 

“Wait…what?? Guatemala? For what?”

“On a mission trip?”


I couldn’t contain my excitement. He went on to tell me that the construction company he works for would be sponsoring their first ever mission trip next spring to Guatemala. And get this, they would be taking up to 15 people which would include an employee and a family member of their choice. It gets even better! They would bless us by paying for the whole thing, all we’d need to do is get a passport. 

After signing up for the trip and being accepted, I couldn’t hold back tears of joy as God reminded me of the dream he’d given my husband years ago. 

Do you have a forgotten dream? One that maybe you haven’t forgotten, but you feel maybe as though God has?

 I want to challenge you to bring that dream before God, no matter how big or small and wait with anticipation. But in the meantime, keep being faithful where God has planted you. You never know the exciting things God has coming “just around the riverbend!”

P.S. Stay tuned for more stories about Guatemala!


Open Hands


The Slowness Chronicles: Blanket Forts & Dance Parties