Wedding Anniversary #5: The Soundboard in Your Life

In honor of my 5th year anniversary today, I want to tell you a story about something I’ve learned in my marriage:

In 2014 I interned at a homeless organization in Boston. During one of my days working away at my computer I felt myself daydreaming of the future. My future husband specifically. I wondered what he was doing at the moment. I wondered about all the things. His favorite color, favorite type of music, hobbies, you name it! While in a day dream I felt the Lord whisper to my heart the most profound words, “your husband will be a reflection of my love for you.” I didn’t know what those words meant exactly until a couple of years into my marriage. My husband, Peter, was giving me some advice on what to do about my physical health. It was deteriorating at a rapid rate. I was sick all the time, had very little energy and could barely get out of bed everyday. Instead of receiving his advice, I just kept on going about my day. That’s when I felt that still small voice remind me (almost 6 years later), “your husband will be a reflection of my love for you.” I know that my husband was loving me well when he was giving me advice but I just wasn’t open at that moment to receive it. I was tired of being sick and just wanted him to say something different when all he was trying to do was take care of me. Have you ever done that  before? You hear God say something, it may be something you don’t want to hear and you either choose to ignore him or do the opposite. When God tells us something, it’s because he loves us and has our best interest in mind. He’s not trying to be mean or purposely upset you, no. Like a father or in this case like a spouse, he’s trying to take care of you. But are you letting him? Maybe God is using someone in your life to challenge you, to help you or steer you in the right direction. Maybe that’s a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a friend etc. Sometimes the still small whispers of God are found in the voices of those who love us. I’ve learned over the years to really pay attention to when my husband tells me something, especially when it’s something I may not want to hear. My husband is the soundboard in my life. Who is a soundboard for you?


The Blessing at IHop


A Wink from God: Seeing God Even in the Smallest Details