The Watchtower: Your Secret Place with God
Do you have a secret place you go to to talk to God? Maybe it’s your bedroom, a closet (like in War Room if you’ve seen the movie), or maybe you don’t have a defined place yet, you just talk to Him wherever and whenever. I feel like this is most of us, we talk to Him anywhere because we’re constantly on the move. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, especially because the Bible says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I do it too! I think it’s important, but I also believe we should have a regular place we go to meet Him. Somewhere where it’s just you and Him. Somewhere you know He’ll be right there waiting for you.
This is something I love about Habakkuk. Habakkuk’s place with the Lord was a watchtower. He would climb up and lay His heart out to his Heavenly Father. Not only that, he waited with expectation. He waited knowing that he would get an answer (Habakkuk 2:1). Imagine if we did this? We went into our prayer rooms, our watch towers, whatever that may look like for you and waited with anticipation? Waited to hear His voice, knowing He will answer us.
My “watchtower” looks like my Jeep. I love talking to Jesus while I drive! I envision Him sitting in the passenger’s seat while we talk about my day or whatever comes to mind. And then, I sit and listen. I wait to see what He’ll say back. Call me crazy, but this is my favorite thing to do! You can do this too. We can be crazy together (insert laughing emoji).
It’s not crazy y'all. The only thing that is crazy is that God is crazy about you and wants to hear from His kids. My daughter may still be too little to tell me about her day, to share her hopes, dreams and even her frustrations, but I long for those days. I long for the days where her and I can form a relationship with our words. That’s what God wants with you too. Don’t be afraid to lay your heart out to Him. Even the things that may be uncomfortable to talk about. He wants to hear it all. So I want to challenge you today. Pick your “watchtower” and wait. Wait until something happens and report back here if you’d like to share. I can’t wait to hear all about it. I’ll be praying & cheering you on from my little corner of the world to yours! And if you already have that secret place, I’d love to hear what it looks like.