The Lost Pup: A Story & a Prayer for the Worrier

A few days ago my mother texted me in a panic saying, ”Please pray for Kahlo, he was in the backyard and now we can’t find him.” Kahlo, is one of my mom’s yorkies. My heart sunk at that moment because Kahlo is my parents' designated runner. Much like my yorkie, Leia, who also loves to escape when given the opportunity. I immediately opened the garage door to alert my husband of what was happening and told him to help me pray. Interestingly enough, I didn’t pray myself. Instead I felt my anxiety levels rise and lingered in that feeling. What if? What if they can’t find him this time? What if when we go next week, he’s still not there? My mom has been through enough lately. Please don’t let her lose her pup too. I felt helpless because I couldn’t go help them look for him. 

Moments later I caught myself. Caught myself worrying and being negative. It’s kind of funny now that I think about it because I told myself to STOP out loud. I thought, I may not be able to go help them find him but I can offer something that means so much more. I can pray! If only I had done that to begin with! I kid you not, not even a minute went by after I started praying when my mom texted me, “he’s here, we found him.” Praise God!

How many of you have done the same thing? You found yourself going down a rabbit hole of negative thoughts. You found yourself fueling the fire and letting them camp out in your mind. But once you decide to give it to God, call on His name and hand the keys over to the situation, He answers. Maybe not always the way we expect, but He will answer. If only, if only you had prayed to begin with, then maybe you would have received your answer a lot sooner. Right?

Maybe this is the situation you find yourself in today. If this is you, whether your situation is big or small, I want to challenge you today. Cry out to Him and let Him answer you. Don’t spend another moment worrying about something that ultimately is completely out of your domain. 

Luke 12:25-26 says,”And which of you by worrying can add one hour to his life’s span? So if you are not even able to do a very little thing [such as that], why are you worried about the rest?” (Amplified version). 

I pray over your situation right now: Lord, whoever is reading this and is waiting for an answer from you, I pray that you would give it to them. Even if it’s not the answer they are anticipating. Even if the answer is less than ideal. I pray peace over them. That they would find their peace in you knowing that you know what’s best for them. Don’t let them worry another second. May they find rest in you. A rest and peace only you can give. In Jesus name, Amen!


Another in the Sky


Please Don’t Leave Me